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Information Security audit
Performing routine security audits is crucial for organizations to ensure the protection of data and assets, especially in the face of increasing cyber attacks. Regardless of an organization's size or sector (be it small, medium, large, government, semi-government, or private), conducting regular Information Security (IS) audits is essential. A single cyber attack has the potential to result in not only financial losses and damage to a carefully built reputation but also legal repercussions for neglecting system vulnerabilities.
The IWM audit process encompasses a thorough evaluation of vulnerabilities and risks, an assessment of the security posture, and an examination of the implemented security controls across the organization's information systems. Depending on the testing scope, we can offer the following approaches:
Types of Penetration Testing
Black Box Testig
The IWM team will simulate the actions of a hacker without possessing any prior information about the infrastructure
Grey Box Testing
The IWM team will receive certain information about the infrastructure.
White Box Testig
The IWM team will simulate the role of a hacker without any prior knowledge of the infrastructure.